Selasa, 23 Februari 2016

Woofstock Wrapup

Saturday I went to Woofstock 2011 with Jenny and a couple friends and their dogs. Angelica and Leo (above) and Ashley and Prudence. (below) I had a blast even tho I admit I almost didnt go. Im not always a fan of these events. Let me explain. Going where there will be a lot of pet dog people and their dogs can stress me out. Mainly because pet dog people sometimes do things that they don’t realize can cause problems in a crowd of dogs. For instance: not keeping a close eye on their dog so they tangle people up in their dog’s retractable leash. Or they let their dog get to into another dogs face that isn’t appreciative of an unknown dog (to them) getting into that space. Or maybe they don’t realize their dog is too stressed out to relax and being on edge can cause them to lash out. I’ve seen a lot of things at some of these events that make me nervous. This is one example of a time ignorance is bliss. It is less of a problem at dog shows or trials where most of the people in attendance (show dog people and sport dog people) understand canine body language and don’t typically let their dogs get into another dogs space without permission.

But I did go and I had a great time. I also rarely take my dogs to these events. Mainly because I am usually working at them in some capacity. The last time I went to Woofstock I had one of the K-9 Corrections dogs with me at the shelters booth so he could be seen by potential adopters. There were lots of great vendors and many rescue groups as well as the POM Project. They also had some great demos of stuff like Agility and Frisbee and even Freestyle. I got asked to participate in the Freestyle class with Jenny by my friend Nancy of Gooddogz Training. Jenny LOVED it. Any chance to earn some treats is a good time for her. I have to admit she did well and I might need to consider trying out some Freestyle training in the future. This is her looking for crumbs between tricks.

Jenny ate A LOT of freebies from vendors. She also got to snarf up crumbs as she found them. I’m sure it was her idea of Heaven. In the future however I need to remind people that she is a SMALL dog and so therefore a small treat is more appropriate for her. I thought for sure she might have some bowel issues in her future. (the ride home was shall we say, odiferous) When she started asking to go out frequently the next day I wasn’t surprised. It turned out that she ended up with a urinary tract infection instead. (poor girl!) So she is currently on an antibiotic and an anti-inflammatory.

Aside from hanging out with her doggy friends Leo and Prudence she also got to meet a bunch of other dogs, including a super cute pug puppy. She was so small I could have fit her in a pocket! Tho I suspect her family wouldn’t have been as excited by that as I was. There were all kinds of dogs in attendance in all sizes from Great Danes to Chihuahuas.

The event is put on by Aubry Martin of The Animal House. She does a fantastic job! The layout was super easy to navigate this year and I loved that the demo ring was smack in the middle. I can’t begin to remember all of the vendors but here are a few that I loved: Classic Hound had some fabulous martingale collars but I managed to control myself. (Tho they may be at the Fur and Foliage event this weekend and if so I may succumb to their charms. Yes I am a collar hoarder.) Zeldas Biscuit Bakery had some fabulous new flavors to try. Jenny gave them 4 paws up! Tripoms Chews is always a favorite of Jennys. Mmmm chicken! Uncommon Paws had my favorite Olly Dog treat pouches and the tiniest doggles Ive ever seen! I also got to speak with Dr. Kjersten Morrison DVM of Mid-Coast Veterinary Acupuncture about Traditional Chinese medicine and Acupuncture for Jenny’s skin issues. I may be exploring that option down the road.

Of course there were also many pet food reps including one for my favorite, The Honest Kitchen. Speaking of which reminds me to brag about my awesome lawn sale find. At the event they have what they call a lawn sale area. It is all pet stuff that is donated by people and the proceeds go towards all the rescues that are attending. (all the proceeds from the event including tickets go towards all the rescues as well) Well I found not one but TWO cans of this! Guess how much I paid?? Now this is originally a $16.99 item. Go on, guess.


I got them for only ONE DOLLAR each!!!!! I felt like I had won the lottery. I was very excited. (you can probably tell) It is a supplement made by the Honest Kitchen that I was planning on getting at my local store to try. It is used to help support their immune system. Since Jenny has such chronic skin issues I thought this was a good one to try. I have also switched her to the Keen formula from Zeal. I read a very good article about how some dogs do need grains in their diet to thrive and thought I would try it for awhile. I do plan on switching her a couple more times to try some more formulas they offer as well. (Because I love that company!) Embark, Force and Thrive all seem like they are appropriate to try in the future. I want to get away from fish for awhile and see what happens. I have noticed that she seems to be getting a little hair growth in her neck area. (fingers crossed) I also have started her on this supplement:

It is supposed to be good for their skin and coat. We shall see. It smells good and she seems to love it. I am going to be getting a couple more supplements soon to add as well. Ive been reading the book on allergies I picked up at Planet Dog awhile back and it is very good. It has given me a few other ideas of things to try for her. Suddenly I dont feel so overwhelmed by it all. Of course I may be changing my tune at any moment so think good thoughts for her. Here she is practicing a new trick we are working on mastering. (Excure the poor lighting. It was my phone camera.)

The ball is from The Smiling Frog Pets shop. Go check it out!

Special thanks to Ashley Bickford for the use of her Woofstock 2011 photos. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I need to get a new camera.

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