Senin, 22 Februari 2016

Puppy video and lessons learned

OK I got a few videos so you can see the true cuteness of Zola. Hopefully blogger cooperates and they load ok. The first one is her at dinner time last night. She is currently getting the Honest Kitchen Keen formula so I have to wait for it to hydrate. She didnt want to wait. If you listen close you can also hear Jenny doing her "OMG its time to eat!" whine.

This is her being aggressive with the leash. At the time I had no idea why she was having a temper tantrum. I just knew it wasnt normal so I turned on the camera. It turns out dogs with liver shunts can have aggressive episodes when the toxins build up in their system. Thankfully at only 10 lbs it is easy to deal with when it happens.

And this is from the first day she was here.

Im sorry that some of the videos arent great. I know they are very "Blair Witch Project" at times. Its hard to video something so fast!
Things Ive learned this week: A 10 pound pug who doesnt want to take a pill is stronger than they look. Dont put medication into a dogs food. If they dont eat you youve wasted both the medication AND the meal. You can lead a pug to lunch but you cant make them eat. The goal for a dog with a liver shunt on lactulose is a nice soft stool. (and 3 to 4 small meals a day) Lactulose is very sticky. A boot covered in deer blood is a target for resource guarding.
I think she is feeling better. Last night and today she even chewed on a bone for a long time like a normal dog. Jenny wasnt as thrilled about that as I was. Im going to have to increase the amount of bones around for awhile so that doesnt become a problem. Her eye also looks better to me with her on the serum. The only downside to her feeling better is that she is becoming feisty with Jenny. Jenny is not one to back down so Ill need to watch that closely. So far so good though. Fingers still crossed.
Sidenote: liver shunt dogs need a low protein diet with NO red meat. It is also better if they have a dairy source protein. Keen is turkey but it is working for her for now. She wouldnt eat the Preference but I may try it again later with some cottage cheese. I am still learning so stand by for more info on diet in the future.

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